

  • 產(chǎn)品名稱: excavator
  • 產(chǎn)品分類: excavator
  • 公司名稱: 山東路友再生資源設(shè)備有限公司
  • 型號(hào)規(guī)格:
  • 產(chǎn)品用途:
  • 產(chǎn)品價(jià)格: ¥0.0
  • 添加時(shí)間: 24/10/17
  • 分    享:

When walking uphill, the wheel should be driven behind to increase the adhesion of the ground track.
When walking downhill, the driving wheel should be in front, so that the upper track is tight, to prevent the car body from slipping forward under the action of gravity when stopping and causing danger.

點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):   更新時(shí)間:24/10/17 15:39:10   【打印此頁(yè)】   【關(guān)閉
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