
Let's say you're a scrap product seller

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According to the Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Matters related to "Reverse billing" by Resource recovery Enterprises to natural person scrap product sellers (State Administration of Taxation Announcement No. 5, 2024), since April 29, 2024, natural person scrap product sellers sell scrap products to resource recovery enterprises. Qualified resource recovery enterprises can issue invoices to sellers (referred to as "reverse invoicing") to promote large-scale equipment updates and consumer goods for new to help improve the efficiency of the environment. If you are a seller of end-of-life products, how should you issue invoices and pay taxes under this policy? Look at the picture below


万安县| 吉首市| 台南市| 承德市| 牙克石市| 平泉县| 桐梓县| 锡林浩特市| 石嘴山市| 台南市| 金湖县| 四子王旗| 郸城县| 靖江市| 堆龙德庆县| 汤阴县| 安阳县| 桂阳县| 莫力| 清流县| 镇原县| 尚志市| 富顺县| 张北县| 兰考县| 龙陵县| 石景山区| 丽江市| 察雅县| 青田县| 连云港市| 河间市| 会泽县| 区。| 德令哈市| 容城县| 会泽县| 文成县| 浦江县| 定结县| 林口县|